Phones and Tablets


Soul’s Nourishment Devotional By Pastor Julius Bethel, Pastor Of Bible Practising Ministry.

Thursday, 13th June 2024

Scripture Reference:
Jas.5:13 – Is any among you afflicted? let him pray.

Difficult times are really times we do not like. We never wish they come, but come, certainly they will.

Life on earth is planned by God with difficult times as part of it. They serve their own purpose whether we know it or not which most times are for our own good!

Difficult times are hard times. They are times things in our lives are not going as planned or expected. They are the “dark days” of your life.

Since difficult times must come, we need to know how to overcome or go through them triumphantly without being knocked down and knocked out.

One very important thing to do in such trying times is to pray, and pray, and pray. Yes, prayer is power.

Just as Daniel in the Bible was not hurt, harmed or killed by the lions in the lions’ den as a result of the power of his prayer life, you also, if you pray in Difficult times, you will not be hurt, harmed or killed in Difficult times, no matter the level of difficulty.

Prayer, in difficult times, has the power to shield your life from destruction, releases the divine presence into your situation, makes a way of escape available, brings solutions and destiny helpers, and opens up the flow of God’s wisdom into your life to handle the difficulty to your own advantage.

God, through James, the Apostle, admonishes those under one affliction or the other to pray. Please, pray and don’t murmur or complain, and you will see things turn around for your good, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Food For Thought: Difficulty becomes more difficult when it is not bombarded with prayer

Prayer Point: Pray that God will strengthen your prayer life and turn your difficulty to great blessings for you.


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