Wednesday, 12th June 2024
Scripture Reference: Hebrews 13:5,
” For he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
Why are you so restless, worried, fearful, full of tears and sleeplessness as though God has left and forsaken you?
Be peaceful, Child of God! He who said you should forsake all and follow Him will never leave you. He doesn’t leave His own. You are too precious for Him to leave you.
You, yes you reading this devotional at this very moment, are God’s major concern. He is thinking about you. He is mindful of you.
No matter the situation you are going through right now, the Lord is with you even unto the end (Matthew 28:20b).
Keep loving Him, keep trusting Him. Keep yourself pure. Very soon, your battles will be over. You will then sing the songs of victory.
He is aware of your challenges. He knows every need of your life. He is with you to bring them to pass.
He will never leave you until every plan, promise, project and agenda He has for your life completely comes to pass. And then, He will take you to heaven where you will live with Him in the whole of eternity!
As you step out this morning, tell yourself that God is with you. And, that He will never leave you alone or to yourself.
Food For Thought: Who else will the heavenly Father be with, if not with His beloved child?
Prayer Point: Pray that you will become more conscious of the Presence of God with you wherever you go today. Amen
Thank you Jesus. I believe you will never leave me nor forsake me. Help me to always be conscious of your presence in Jesus name.