Teaching is such a lucrative and enjoyable profession that it is a true joy to be a teacher. Teaching is my passion; I’ve been doing it for over thirty years. Teachers, regardless of the class they teach, must use knowledge. Because knowledge can become obsolete, EVERY TEACHER SHOULD BE A LEARNER. Outdated knowledge yields outdated results. As a result, in order to provide accurate information, the teacher must continue to learn.

What Are The 15 Things Every Teacher Should Know?

  1. Teaching Is A Profession: A certain level of formal training and qualification is required to become a teacher. You must be taught. You must go through the four walls of a learning institution, write and pass some qualifying examinations, and become academically certified as a teacher. When all of this is in place, you will be ready to become and be called a teacher.
  2. Teaching Is A Teamwork: There is no such thing as an island teacher. No teacher is self-sufficient. Building a student requires the collaboration of several teachers. A teacher will usually start where another teacher has stopped. Teachers in the nursery, for example, teach children letters, numbers, and reading. Those children attend primary school, where teachers build on what they learned in nursery school, and the process continues until the student graduates from university or college.
  3. Teaching Has Levels: Every teacher is appropriate for a specific level of instruction. There are primarily three stages of instruction: the memory level (for preschoolers and younger children), the understanding level (for secondary students), and the reflective level (for college and university students). The final level of instruction is the best and highest. Be efficient at the level you are in. Do your utmost to get the learner ready for the next level.
  4. Teaching Never Dies: In other words, a pupil retains what you teach them for the rest of their lives. It has a very long-term impact on the pupil. Keeping this in mind, you should be careful about the lessons you give. Teach the child what is morally correct so that they can follow it in adulthood. As long as there are people on the planet, teaching will likewise be a practice.
  5. Teaching Goes With Experience: They say that experience is the best teacher. A particular learning difficulty that a student may be experiencing may not be a problem for an experienced teacher because he has solved similar problems in the past, but it is a serious problem for an inexperienced teacher. So, when teaching, use your previous experience to improve the teaching and learning process.
  6. Teaching and Teaching Aids Go Together: Teaching and teaching aids should not be separated. Both must be used together. If you truly want permanent learning to take place, you can use audio aids, visual aids, and audio-visual aids as a teacher because A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS. Utilize teaching aids. Teaching with aids encourages learning and benefits students. Concepts are well understood. The failure to use teaching aids is at the heart of poor teaching and academic performance among students.
  7. Teaching Should Be Illustrated: Illustrations are effective teaching tools. They back up what you’re saying. They support what you’re saying. They assist in conveying the message or lesson to the student. Most of what you teach is quickly forgotten, but the illustrations remain. Use appropriate illustrations in your teachings.
  8. Teaching Has Enemies: Things that impede effective teaching are the enemies of teaching. Before you begin teaching, it is a good idea to consider potential obstacles and make plans for how to deal with them. These adversaries could be external or internal, student- or teacher-based.
  9. Teaching Should Have A Time Frame: You must be skilled at time management if you want to succeed as a teacher. You need to be aware of the time. You need to be aware of how much you want to impart in the time available. The amount of time you have should actually determine how much you teach. Once more, it is a good idea to be aware of your students’ attention spans based on their ages. Children’s attention spans are shorter than those of adolescents, who in turn are shorter than those of adults. Teaching to your students’ attention span would therefore violate the law of diminishing returns.
  10. Teaching Should Be Practical: Because PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT, do your best to make your lessons as applicable as possible. It makes the learner perfect. If the teaching is made practical, the student comes to learn things on his or her own, and such discoveries last a lifetime.
  11. Make Teaching Relevant: Undoubtedly, yes! You don’t need to teach anything if it’s irrelevant. Consider the class, age, and even interests of the students when planning your lessons. Additionally, your instruction must be pertinent to the school’s or organization’s curriculum. It should also be applicable to the times in which we live.
  12. Teaching Should Be Systematic: So, in order for teaching to be goal-oriented, it needs to be done in a planned and systematic manner. Three points must be established: the beginning, the middle, and the end. The lesson plan is then used in this scenario. To complete a thorough job, you must adhere to a step-by-step process that includes steps one, two, three, and so on.
  13. Teaching Should Start from Known To Unknown: It is advised that any instructor who is going to introduce a new concept first ascertains what the students already know about it before moving on from there. For instance, before a child learns about secondary colors like green, purple, and orange, he must first comprehend and be aware of what primary colors are. The teacher will need to move from the student’s prior knowledge of primary colors to what he is unfamiliar with regarding secondary colors. The student will be better prepared to learn the new subject you are about to introduce if you do this.
  14. Teaching Should Be Evaluated: It is impossible to overstate the significance of evaluation in the classroom. Without evaluating your lessons, you wouldn’t know which techniques need to be refined or which ones you employed should be abandoned. If you didn’t have it, you wouldn’t be able to tell how much your students had learned, understood, or retained during the duration of your instruction. In the course of your teaching, evaluation should be conducted frequently.
  15. Teaching Should Be Interesting: As a teacher, you should make every lesson exciting. It should be engrossing. It should be able to keep the student’s attention for a short period of time. Both you and your students should be interested in the lesson being taught. Any uninteresting way of teaching puts kids to sleep and causes them to drift away from their teacher. Teaching that is not interesting is a primary source of disruption in class. To make your teaching more fascinating, have a love for teaching, appropriately prepare, and so on. Picture by: Pixabay.

By Julius Bethel

Julius Bethel hails from Delta State, Nigeria. Julius Bethel is a pastor, an educator, and a blogger, a real estate consultant, an affiliate marketer and a social media advertiser. He is passionate about helping Christians, Christian ministries and organisations around the world grow spiritually and become all that God ordains for them in time and in eternity! He was a one-time head teacher and proprietor of two reputable institutions of learning in Nigeria. He is the founding pastor of the Bible Practising Church and a Minister in Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide(HOREMOW). He is happily married and blessed with four wonderful children.

2 thought on “15 Things Every Teacher Needs To Know”
  1. Wow, a lot to think about here. Teaching should be relevant stands out to me. Over the past twenty years of teaching I see how we are constantly trying to keep up with our kids and teach them for the world they live in, not the world we came from. It is exciting when they can connect lessons to life!

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