Phones and Tablets

10 Scriptural Ways To Overcome Evil Thoughts

Evil Thoughts are the thoughts that come to your mind that are not holy, pure, righteous or in line with God’s own thoughts or word – the Bible.

Many believers in Christ are plagued greatly by evil Thoughts, and do not know how to overcome them or be free from them when they show up.

One truth you should know about evil thoughts is that, they will always come near, and if you allow them, they will enter and settle down in your mind.

An evil thought that is allowed to settle down, leads to an evil action, an evil action that is repeatedly carried out becomes an evil habit. An evil habit becomes an evil character, an evil character makes you to become an evil person, which eventually makes you a candidate of hell fire!

Evil Thoughts, therefore, should never be given a breathing space! Overcome it, and enjoy your Christian life.

Evil Thoughts have brought defeat to many. Not only defeat but untold sufferings to the victims of evil thoughts.

May God Almighty, Who has called us into a life of total freedom, grant us freedom over evil thoughts in Jesus’name, Amen.

Here, then, are 10 Scriptural Ways to Overcome Evil Thoughts and stay free:

  1. Be Regenerated
    Evil thoughts come as a result of the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden. They are parts of the fallen, sinful and depraved nature of man. So, to overcome evil thoughts, there is need to become regenerated, that is saved from sin.

Jesus has to come into your life and heart. Regeneration means allowing Jesus to take over your life and make it new. The newness begins from inside – your heart and mind.

Jesus, indeed, has power over all sins and evil thoughts, in particular. He can help you subdue and overcome them once He takes charge.

  1. Be Sanctified
    A regenerated man can overcome evil thoughts to a certain limits, but a sanctified man can overcome evil thoughts without any limts.

When you become saved, you have a great power to overcome evil thoughts, but when you become sanctified, you have a greater power to overcome evil thoughts. Why? It is because in salvation (regeneration) only the “tree” of evil thoughts is cut down, but at sanctification, both the tree and the root of evil thoughts are destroyed!

  1. Fill Your Mind With The Word Of God
    God commands that we fill up our minds and hearts with the word of God. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom(Colossians 3:16a).

When the heart is full of the word of God, there will be no space for evil thoughts to enter in.
As our hearts are filled with God’s word, it becomes what we meditate on day and night, giving no room for meditating on evil thoughts.

  1. Seek God’s Help
    God has clearly promised in His word to help us. Isa.41.10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” Since He has so promised to help us, we should seek Him to help us.

We cannot on our own strength overcome evil thoughts. We need to seek God in fervent prayer to come and help us overcome evil thoughts. When we do so, we shall always find victory over evil thoughts.

  1. Make Use of The Blood of Jesus
    Revelation 12:11 tells us, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” If the producer and manufacturer of evil thoughts can be overcome by the Blood of Jesus, definitely, his product – evil thoughts cannot refuse to bow to the Blood.

So, ensure you always cover your heart and mind with the Blood of Jesus. Evil thoughts cannot breakthrough the Blood line and invade your heart. It will bow at the gate!

  1. Be Watchful And Rejective
    1Pet.5.8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”

A Christian who wants to overcome evil thoughts must be watchful over his thought life to see when a strange thought is creeping in and then, reject it from the onset.

If you are vigilant, you will know when the enemy of your soul, the devil is coming with evil thoughts. And because you see him coming, you will nip it in the bud. Then, there will be no chance for him to plant his evil thoughts in you. Hallelujah!

  1. Refrain From Looking At Evil And Listening To Evil
    You must mind what you look at either on TV, your phone or in your environment. Looking at evil plants the seed of evil thoughts in your mind which will definitely germinate and grow.

Same thing is applicable to what you hear. Mind the things you listen to. They must not be evil. Else, you are using your own hand to plant evil thoughts in your mind.

Job.31.1 makes us to know that, there is a connection between what we look at and what we think in our hearts. It say, “I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?”

  1. Seek The Help Of A Mature Christian
    Yes, there are mature and older Christians whom the Lord has helped to be living victoriously over evil thoughts. They can help you by giving proper counsel on how the Lord helped them to overcome which if you their counsel, you also will overcome.

These mature Christians could be your pastors, church elders, deacons, etc. They could also be Christian counsellors whom the Lord has endowed with wisdom in such matters.

Prov.11.14 tells us, “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.” Yes, safety from evil thoughts!

  1. Be Determined
    Daniel purposed in his heart to remain pure and undefiled (Daniel 1:8).

Overcoming evil thoughts require holy determination. Determine to be watchful, prayerful, not to look at or listen to evil, to seek God’s help, and so on.

Be determined, you will get there.
Many years ago, evil thoughts used to be my problem. I felt sad all the time I was having the challenge. So, I prayed and sought for help from mature brethren. I was determined to be free. To God be the glory, He showed me mercy and delivered me. He will do same to you, if you believe and make up your mind to take the bull by it travail.


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